Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sikhism and Leo Tolstoy

I've been hit hard by Leo Tolstoy (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy) famously known as 'God of Literature'. 

I've read his most famous works, namely :

But I would like to read A Confession atleast twice again and also his last materpiece Resurrection before
I put up my detailed links of my famous writer and Sikhism. Also, I consider, reading Resurrection will put me in a place that I could put up so called Gurudwara managing organizations under a better lens and would be able to write better with clearer understanding and a stronger veiw point.

Before that I would like, if any of you have any 'perspective' of either Tolstoy as an individual or in relation to any of the aspects realated wih human dealing. I would be most happy to read them. Please share your veiws in the comments. I welcome everything as 'The thinking capacity can't go beyond reality' (more on this later:))

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Unknown said...

Think you'll like this

Rp Sahota said...

Tolstoy sided with the oppressed. For the same reason he liked Charles Dicken’s writings. Mahatma Gandhi respected- actually revered- and you can search for communications betwwen them.

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