This is not a post regarding the blog. To be very precise, as I'm always. This writing is just to say that you'll see new posts and better ones from now on. You'll get more content to read and fresh one.
This is meant to say that I'll again start posting on to this blog. I was away, due to unavoidable reasons; still the problems are not solved. This is life, it moves on like this. Now you'll not get material only regarding Sikh people or Sikh issues but on various aspects that deal in and around Sikhism.
I've decided to give this blog a little of personal touch
Twenty years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do then by the things you did do. So sail away from the harbor and find the trade winds. Move. Discover.
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Hey anyone out there knows the name of speaker of above lines.
What did you say? Mark Twain is correct, he said this.
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